8 de julho de 2019


I'm sure, that was you.
Your features, your eyes, your [greenish] brown eyes,
That large smile I love so bad
That angelical voice I'd be rude to forget

You were there, you wanted to be.
And while I played with your hair
You were trying to remember that song we listened to years ago

Years? Wow
We were really close to each other, and for a long time
Who could imagine?

*Oh please don't wake up, girl
You're right where you wanted to be*

We were in silence
Staring one to another
Just wondering if that was right
If that was happening for real
If I could get to know you so easy like that

If someday I could get even closer to you
If you'd be there if I needed a friend
If we could find peace in each other's heart and soul...

I had a dream and you were there
At that train station with me.
That was a typical english subway
And there was this 1920's old fashioned library.
We decided to sit there and chill, then I laid down on you.
I still get a little embarrassed about it
This kind of intimacy we have
But I get the best view to look you in the eyes
Watch you smile like one can, you got me hypnotized.